Bino Na Biso (We And You) is an organisation for cultural exchange between Congo and Austria and the rest of the world. Since 2002 we are installing computer rooms in public schools of Kinshasa. Until now we built up 6 rooms for about 5000 pupils. In the first two weeks of this workcamp we are going to renovate three more rooms with the volunteers. The work is divided in two parts: The first part is the room-renovation (i.e. painting, fixing windows, electricity, floor,...). The second part will be Technics (computer-installation with open-source-software, Linux, hardware,...) or Art (dancing and playing music with street-children). On Sat, 31st July we are going to organize a party with all participants, where we will present the final results of the workcamp. The third week is reserved for tourism and excursions in Kinshasa and sourrounding Provinces (free for the volunteers! ;-)